
Michael Parsons, CEO, Wins Citywealth Future Leaders Gold

Wren is delighted to announce that Michael Parsons, Chief Executive Officer, has been recognised as the Private Investment/Family Office Individual of the Year, winning Gold at the Citywealth Future Leaders Awards 2018.

The awards programme looks to champion young professionals in the private wealth sector and to identify the leaders of today and tomorrow, as well as those who make an important contribution to society.

The Private Investment/Family Office Individual of the Year award is judged against six key criteria:

  1. Industry knowledge and experience
  2. Troubleshooting and client solutions
  3. Leadership and development, including qualifications
  4. Client satisfaction
  5. Contribution to the success of the business
  6. Contribution to the wider community

Candidates were judged by a panel of wealth management professionals in the private wealth management sector. Once the shortlist was announced, the public was able to vote online. This online voting accounted for 10% of the vote and was taken into consideration by the judges – whose decision counted for the remaining 90% of the final outcome.

Michael Parsons, Chief Executive commented:

“In addition to winning the PAM awards this year, we believe that this award is testament to our continued focus on providing bespoke solutions for our clients with the goal of achieving long term, sustainable wealth investment plans implemented with the care and diligence of a committed and conscientious team.”

Click here for more information about the awards